Our intention with every project is to create a one of a kind, beautiful, and functional home. We pride ourselves on making the entire process as effortless and exciting as possible. We rely on our expertise, ingenuity, and work ethic to create spaces that are authentic for you, on time and on budget. Here’s how our design, construction, and remodel process works…

  • Let’s get to know each other! We’ll set up a 30 minute introductory call to discuss your goals and budget for your project.

  • We will create a shared Pinterest board to help discover your personal style. No worries if you feel overwhelmed by all of the choices. We are here every step of the way to guide you.

  • Now it is our turn to get to work. We will meet with contractors or trades (if applicable) to obtain specific quotes and put together a completed plan.

  • Using the information gathered during the style discovery and project planning phases of the process, we will present to you our final design plan and budget for you to review and make adjustments.

  • This step is short, but crucial. We will take any adjustments to the plan you have requested and put together a final-final design plan and budget.

  • Once we have your final approval we will start the project. This portion of the process takes the longest. We will order all necessary materials, manage construction, and complete installation of all furnishings.

  • CONGRATULATIONS! It is time to step inside your completed project and bask in its beauty.