Looking for your dream home? Need help selling the just-for-now one? We’ve got you covered.

As we evolve, our homes should too. Just let us handle the dust and whatnot.

It’s way more than just the drapes, because every room deserves to be amazing.


As licensed real estate agents who specialize in the Central Texas and Texas Hill Country regions we will use our extensive network, knowledge of the market, and general gumption to assist you in any real estate transaction. 

Our niche, though? Those that need a little love. So, whether you are in search of a fixer upper to turn into your dream home or have a house that needs a little refresh before it hits the market, we are your gals.


If the house you love needs a little more love than just new furnishings, we've got you covered. We will handle everything from the design, to sourcing materials, to timeline management,  to the implementation of all things required to create your dream home. We know how important it is to consider design during construction, rather than as an afterthought.

From a total gut job to a cosmetic overhaul (and everything in between), our team has the experience and the know-how to make this process an effortless experience for you. 

Pricing provided per project


At Shee Properties we believe that beauty is only one piece of the puzzle. A great design considers not only the look, but also the feel, the current and future uses, and most importantly YOU. Our goal is to create custom, curated spaces that will feel like home. 


  • Are you the DIY type and just need some guidance?

    Love it!

    We'll walk through the property with you and provide verbal recommendations including furniture/decor purchases and placement, lighting, landscaping, paint colors, and suggested amenities to enhance each space for maximum appeal.

    $150 per hour.

    Can be done either in person or remotely.

  • Let us source the decor and furniture needed, and we’ll hand over the specs!

    This package is perfect for owners who want to refresh their space while saving time.

    Once an overall direction is agreed upon the sourcing begins!

    — We will provide an overall design concept including color palette and furniture style.

    — Provide a mood board with photos of items for each room.

    — Links for purchases provided electronically.

    Priced by square foot.

    Design plans range from $3000 - $7500.

  • This package provides full-service design and installation services.

    — We will create an overall design style for the property.

    — Provide a mood board for each room.

    — Source and coordinate the purchase of all furnishings and decor (purchases billed separately).

    — Arrange and oversee delivery of items once home is ready for install.

    — Assemble and set-up all furnishings and decor.

    Pricing provided per project.